Wednesday, September 10, 2008
New revs of GWT-Maven available (M2 2.0-beta22 - M1 1.6.0)
There is a ton of new stuff in the new version of GWT-Maven.
I just thought I would give it a release notice here because it's a significant update with many issues resolved and a different approach to a few key features.
It's a crapload faster at launching the shell
It supports GWT 1.5.2 from the Maven central repo
Automatic setup and extraction of the GWT native libs is now handled a more Maven-y way
GWTTestCase support was rewritten and is a bit more robust
It supports I18N generation
In general uses some cleaned up interfaces, factories, etc, to remove code duplication
It does *NOT* support the bean gen stuff anymore (this is a bummer, but can't find the maintainer for this, and it has a lot of issues, so it's not supported anymore)
For more info see the mailing list announcement.
Oh and I forgot to mention one other thing I spent a lot of time on, it has all new, meaningful and accurate *DOCUMENTATION* as well ;).
Yes, it's still a "beta," for now. My plan is to see how the community responds to this new approach (which was tested as a branch for some time before it became a release), and then if things go well make a non beta release and put it in the central maven repo. Now that we are using more standard mavenized ways to do things (including using GWT deps from central), it should be a lot easier to get into central once it's known to be solid.
(As an aside I also released a new version of the M1 plugin a while back too, 1.6.0 - we use it at the office and it works fine, though I know not many other folks care about M1 stuff - I personally still find it to be often less frustrating and complicated than M2 - but any version of Maven involves some love/hate.)
I just thought I would give it a release notice here because it's a significant update with many issues resolved and a different approach to a few key features.
For more info see the mailing list announcement.
Oh and I forgot to mention one other thing I spent a lot of time on, it has all new, meaningful and accurate *DOCUMENTATION* as well ;).
Yes, it's still a "beta," for now. My plan is to see how the community responds to this new approach (which was tested as a branch for some time before it became a release), and then if things go well make a non beta release and put it in the central maven repo. Now that we are using more standard mavenized ways to do things (including using GWT deps from central), it should be a lot easier to get into central once it's known to be solid.
(As an aside I also released a new version of the M1 plugin a while back too, 1.6.0 - we use it at the office and it works fine, though I know not many other folks care about M1 stuff - I personally still find it to be often less frustrating and complicated than M2 - but any version of Maven involves some love/hate.)